It’s a comedy quiz show about the news! Hosted by Paul Culliver (The Inquiry, About Tonight) and featuring a rotating panel of comedians and journalists. Guests have included Dave Callan (Rove Live), Lawrence Leung (Unbelievable), Demi Lardner (Open Slather), Adam Richard (Spicks and Specks), Tegan Higginbotham (Have You Been Paying Attention?), Damian Callinan (Before the Game), Andrew McClelland (The Circle) & Dilruk Jayasinha (Sammy J & Randy In Rickett’s Lane), Toby Halligan (The Project), Gerard McCullough (The Weekly with Charlie Pickering), Andy Matthews (Shaun Micallef’s Mad As Hell) & Alasdair Tremblay-Birchall (Dirty Laundry Live). The show is recorded live at The Butterfly Club in Melbourne, Australia.